Monday, April 24, 2006

Wow ...

Wow! You know what that stands for? "With Out Words". Another way of putting it would be speechless. God continues to bless in so many small ways, just reminding us that He is actively working in our lives. I just have to keep my spiritual eyes and ears open to see it and hear it. Receiving is something we've had to get used to. I'm used to giving more than receiving. Giving is more comfortable to me personally. I've always had that desire since Jesus changed my life to want to give and to help. I really never considered if I may one day be the one having to receive help. It is humbling, which is good, for humility is one of the things God desires to see in his children. It is also revealing as to how many people sincerely do care. This type of education cannot be taught or studied, it has to be experienced in person. Thanks to all who hear the voice of God and are obedient. He is incredible.
Medical talk ...The hicups have stopped. I don't know why, they just did. Some cramping/bloating type stuff for the past two days has replaced the hicups. Some fatigue is noted. Food still tastes good, but there are a few things on the menu I have noticed are tasting a little different. Regardless, I plan on eating the best I can and being consistent with everything (meds and all) to bring about the desired outcome during this time.
Green talk ... Fire blight got my pear blossoms, all on both trees except for one pear which actually developed. The big tree was loaded with blossoms, but this can happen so fast it will make your compost cook! The thing to spray, come to find out, is copper sulfate / hydrated lime also know as 'Bordeaux mix'. It is supposed to be the most potent organic fungicide available for numerous plant diseases. Maybe next year .......
Don't get me started on the gas prices ... I want to keep the victory subject ...
The family is doing well. Summer is fast approaching. School kids are beginning to see the finish line, as well as their teachers! This is going to be a great Summer. Be sure to wear sun screen. Plan on having fun with the family and friends. Do not put it off any longer.
Please remember to pray for Michael H., Jill H., Christi W., Lloyd Kogel – all battling cancer and/or recovery and little Austin Barber (heart/lung transplant). Thank you.
Closing quote: " When the flaming missles of Satan pass through God's hedge of protection, they cease to be Satan's destructive missles and become instead the refining fire of God." (Jim Logan)

1 comment:

agardana said...

I am so glad not much in the way of side effects from chemo. I hope along with you that this big C word will soon be a thing of the past. You and Robin are doing great. Just keep on taking it one step at a time, right behind the footprints of the Lord. Love ya, Stacie