Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My next door neighbor has a huge bulldozer contracted to level his entire back yard - about 3 to 4 acres - of trees. We have enjoyed alot of evening shade since moving here due to the woods behind us - but now there remains only about one line of smaller trees which constitute the fence or property line. It was amazing to watch this machine walk through the trees like they were potted plants. I can feel my house shaking as he goes back and forth with the dozer. It was also upsetting to the hawks - they were going crazy while he was disturbing their woods. At the same time Robin's parents are having a foundation poured for a new barn/out building. That is also interesting to waltch. Building on the one hand and tearing down on the other. That's what Solomon spoke of.
Yesterday was pretty tough. I had some of the worst cramping I have had in two weeks. The kind that gets you in a cold sweat wondering if you are going to pass out. But it passed. You just have to face it and get though it, kind of like that spanking you knew you were going to get as a kid when you got home from school. You finally realized it was going to happen, so let's just get it over with. I was also feeling a shakey throughout the day I guess as a result of the afformentioned episodes. I did, however, determine to make a chicken and sausage Gumbo later in the day. It turned out pretty good, according to those who helped to eat it. I watered the seedlings today real early and the fig trees before Mr. Sun got up in the sky. Not too much else going on. A little on the sluggish side with the usual food doesn't want to go down to well scenario. I am going to wait till it cools down outside and I may venture a walk.
More practices and games today for Sissy. The cousins are at Nana's, so you know where Big Boy is going to be.
Don't forget Father's Day is June 18th. Now you know I'm going to put a plug in for all of those hard working Dad's out there. Do something fun/special that, of course, involves food of some kind. And while you are at it, remember your Heavenly Father and forget not His generosity, mercy, grace and kindness towards us His children. He is so good to us. Bless His Name.
Talk to ya'll later. God Bless GW


Anonymous said...

Hello Guys
Sure is nice to pull up the Blog and see George writing again. I guess in life we become so use to things or maybe even take it for granted when it is no longer there for us. Just a note to let you know that I appreciate you taking the time to bless me with education and knowledge. Keep up the good work and Robin it would be nice for you to send us a little note as well. Miss you guys. Gayle Wallace

Anonymous said...

Funny, construction and destruction are exactly what the Lord is doing in my heart!!! That could make a great message! Interresting physical analogy for a spiritual perspective!

Keep strong! You will make it through the storm! He will give you the strength.


Carole Turner said...

You always make me tear up.

I'm getting Dean a tattoo! He has always wanted the eye of the tiger that is in the middle of tiger stadium so I'm getting him a Tattoo gift card!