Monday, October 01, 2007


It was a busy weekend. Again church was incredible and the awesome presence of God was evident as usual. Pastor brought the word and how right on it was. Let's not miss what God IS DOING NOW for the sake of always looking to the day of Him moving. I think that is the trap of the enemy to keep us ever looking, never finding or seeing what we believe God wants to do while all along He is moving in our midst and we don't have the spiritual eyes to see what is happening because we want to see things in the natural. OPEN OUR EYES LORD!!!!! There truly is a spirit realm which happens to be as real as our own three-dimensional realm, our natural eyes can't see but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We are spirit and we worship God in spirit and in truth. WOW what would worship be like if we could see in the spirit realm. Would angelic beings be dancing around us and ushering our praises to the throne room, would demonic forces be fleeing seven ways knowing that they have no authority, is heavens door open and those who've gone before looking through to earth to observe those they loved on earth singing praises to our GOD. Of course all of this is speculation and none of us really know on this side of heaven what happens, but I believe if we desire with a great hunger to know more and understand more then more will be revealed. We're hungry God and only You satisfy.

Yesterday I found something George wrote in 2004 I will post it tomorrow. WOW



Anonymous said...

Praying for us all to catch just a glimpse from God's "Vantage Point"...What a difference that makes!
Been praying for you all morning...
Love you...

Tonja said...

yep, looks like you're getting a glimpse, my friend!!
I've been praying Isaiah 43:1-19 all day...look it up, it's incredible! Pastor preached it, he just didn't quote this scripture :)
love you, tj