Tuesday, December 18, 2007

busy time of year...

I know that life will not slow down until after the new year. The kids and I have been busy, but enjoying each other. Going to ballgames, studying for exams and trying to do some Christmas shopping. I knew this was going to be a hard time of year and it has had its moments. But God is allowing me to find the joy in the season. CHRISTmas is about the beginning of eternal life. The birth of our Lord and Savior and the beginning of all things new. God's new covenant was being made with man. The other day I was thinking of George's actual death, I felt the Lord prompting me not to focus on George's actual dying, but to focus on his eternal life which he is enjoying now. It has helped because the thought of death has finality and regret in it, but thinking on George living out his eternal life brings joy to my heart. I have learned that much of the healing process in grieving is about perspective, it is about a choice. God empowers us to make the choice to see things His way or we can choose to lock ourselves into torment, grief, and unexplainable emptiness. I want to choose the way of life, the way that brings our Lord glory, and when we make the choice the power to walk it out is available.

I love you all. Have a very blessed Christmas and enjoy your families and friends. Keep them close and let them know how you feel about them. Speak it, demonstrate it. Time is short and I know you want them to know how much you love them.



Anonymous said...

Robin, in the last 2-3 days George has been on my mind. I keep seeing him in Heaven and he was welcoming you and the kids. To him it was like no time at all had passed from the time of his death to the time that we all had gotten to Heaven. Lauren was telling him what all had happened in her life, he couldn't believe that 70 years had passed by on earth because to him it was like he had just gotten there. I began to smile and rejoice because he is in the Presence of the One who created time. I remember a portion of the song "Amazing Grace," where it says, "when we've been there 10,000 years bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun." I am just so reminded that eternity is what we need to be living for. For our lives are but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. I want my eternity to count...to really count. The choices I make in this life, today, tomorrow,...I want them to have value in Heaven. Remembering George and eternity in this light, made eternity all the more real to me. Compared to forever (or infinity for us math people) 70 or 80 or 90 years on this earth really is the blink of an eye.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing with us today. I want to say that this past week since discovery I have been thinking of time and people. How we lose sight of one another or something happens and we are upset with this person. The Lord revealed to me that time is short and we are here today but tomorrow has no guarantees. Some people say things happen for a season but true friendship is a lifetime. I want to say to those blog readers out there that if there is a person who has been special in your life and you have lost contact with make a call today because today could be your last day to say I love you. Life is short and we never know the hour or day that the Lord is coming for us. I enjoyed our time together on Sunday morning because it made me realize that one day we maybe without the one we love. You are very special and dear to my heart. I will be praying for you and your family as the holiday approach. Thanks for being a wonderful friend and blogger. Love you Gayle

agardana said...

Hey. I want to say I love you to YOU! Please tell me we can get together during the break. Stacie

Anonymous said...

... and Merry Christmas to you and yours, Robin. You all bless us "like totally".
Love in Christ Jesus,

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that you and the children have been on mind and in my prayers during this Christmas week. I trust that the Lord is holding on to you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Robin...What a joy to read your words and know they are so much more than words!! The value of true relationship is priceless--here and even eternally. May we all learn day by day more about trust and dependance in our Eternal Relationship and become more akin to His nature. We bless you, Lauren and Bryan daily and thank God for the blessing you all are to us and so many people...in your lives and in the way God gives you to share His infinite Grace and Love through this blog.
May much joy and continuing insight guide you all in 2008!
Love, B & B