Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Sorry about my lack of bloggage. Since the last treament i have been dealing with multiple persistent side effects which lifted as of this afternoon. I told my wife it felt like a cloud lifted off of me. Physically and mentally. I could speculate about why, but it is easiest to chalk it up to the 'medicine' - since I am on so many different kinds.
It's hot out here! How about over there? I avoid the Sun like the plague and the heat like a hornets nest. It doesn't take much heat to get the rash going in full force either. Early morning and late evening are the only times to venture to the mail box, etc.
We found some interesting bugs - inside the house - which appear to be possibly termites. We caught 3 in a ziplock and are heading to the bug store to see if it is so. How could that be, since we are above ground and the house barely 1 1/2 yrs old? I have heard of the termites that do not need a ground connection to do there damage. I guess they live off of humidity or something. It is scary to think you have those little bugs chewing away at your house, possibly.
God said He will protect us from the noisesome pestilence. Amen.
I hope you all are having a blessed week.
Remember what that reader board said on the side of the road, " Faith does not make things easy, just possible". GW


Sonja said...

Hang in there George. I figured you must have been feeling a little under the weather.
I was actually a little concerned.
I did say a prayer for you and Ida Lee yesturday morning (she is going through it pretty bad)Say a prayer for her!
Yes, it is Hot! Looking forward to swimming at my sister's, maybe Jonah, Wil and I could come swim with you all this summer some time? Call us.
Hang in there, The Lord has not forgotten your needs. I am so sorry you are having to endure prayer....that It would go quick and be done with soon. Actually, instant healing would be better!!!!
Praying continuously for you brother!!!!


Anonymous said...

oooh! I wanna go to the bug store!