Tuesday, March 06, 2007

"Walk by Faith. not by sight"

Another beautiful day! Woke up feeling pretty good – so good that I had to lie back down for another hour. Isn’t it funny how your emotions can change in a matter of minutes or hours? On the second wake up, I felt really disconnected, not wanting to pray or even face the day. Knowing this as not an common thing, I got on with the routine of pills and breakfast, etc. As I was eating and catching up on the morning news, a shout just rose up within me and I had to let it out – literally - that quickly things changed. So I praised and shouted unto God for a few minutes. What’s the deal? Then, within the hour I became so sleepy, that I had to lie down – man! Maybe it was the meds, I don’t know, but it is very aggravating all of this fluctuation. Then my lovely wife called, needing me to look up some account information, which got me up and walking around. So then outside I went to feed the animals and all of a sudden here it goes again, I feel like a new man, sort of. Wow, I guess you just have to hang on and keep moving forward regardless of how you feel. “Walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). Many times, just a change of surroundings can get one into the right frame of mind. Changing rooms, going outside or calling a friend. Go for it.
More later . . . George.


Anonymous said...

I need to share something with you. Sunday morning during the service, I looked over and saw you sitting in your spot on the front row. I was noticing that you seemed to not be feeling well...and then I saw the banner on the wall behind you...it was a picture of a sword and said "The Word of the Lord"...Immediately Psalms 107 :19-20 was quickened to me.."George cried out to the LOrd in his trouble;He saved him out of his distresses. He SENT HIS WORD and "healed George" and delivered him from his destruction."
It goes on to say..."Let him give thanks to the LOrd for His lovingkindness,and for His wonders to the sons of men!Let him also offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of His works with joyful singing!"
The sword is a weapon of war. The Lord has given you and Robin words...words of life and hope...I want you to know that I'm standing with ya'll with sword drawn...shoulder to shoulder with shields of faith interlocked...NOthing is impossible with the LOrd...
Now I'm ready to shout!

Anonymous said...

George, I ditto Cathy's message!
I too stand with you, sensitive to the leading of the spirit on your behalf....because HE IS LORD! and HE IS GOOD!


Anonymous said...

Hi George:
It's me, Jenny Cook (your old Tennant from Lovett Rd).
My mother stumbled across your blog completely by accident a few months ago, and I have been coming here almost everyday to check in on you. I know it was completely by the Lord's hand that this site was discovered, because I had wondered about you & had been praying for you ever since I moved out of the rent house. I want you to know that I continue to pray for you and your family & have found your site to be such a blessing & encouragement. The Lord is good!!!